...ok, i'm not quoting STAIND....but it happened to fit, so fuck off.
It indeed has been some time since i blogged my lil fingers off.....a lot has been goin on since Feb. 05, when i last updat'd this lil bitch.
ok here goes.
feb--nothin special happend-it was fuckin cold in Chi-town.
march--went to VEGAS for my grandma's 75th bday---good times, i won some loot, got silly on vodka-tonics, and got to see my munchkin-head niece....she's bigger now than she was in march...that's usually how that works though, seeing as she'll be 2 in sept.
april--interviewed and got the hell out of the Q....i'm now in my nifty career---i'm the assistant to the REGIONAL MARKETING MANAGER at Warner Bros. Records!!! started 4/26, and loving every effing second of it!!!! got LOTS o music, seen some decent fuckin shows....paid off the credit card, and now i can afford to SAVE money!!!! havent' done that in like....well, never.
may--kinda bleding in to everything else....nothin really stands out....mum's b-day.....acquiring MORE cd's (for free)....mmmmmm thats bout it...more concerts.
june--same as last month, but dad's b-day this time....
july-- well....its fuckin hot, and it finally rained a shitload....more shows, more cd's, more booze....(i think i forgot to mention the booze part last few mos.)
Shows i've been to recently (from feb. 05-present):Secret Machines (2/4)
Sno-Core (feat. Helmet, Crossfade, Future Leaders of the World, Strata) (2/12)
Disengage (amazing band and they played w/ a decent band called Made Out of Babies--too bad the snow storm kept more people from comin out) (sometime in feb??)
The Last Vegas (fuck me what a great fuckin band---if you have the opportunity, i HIGHLY suggest you see them) (sometime in Feb)
Dimebag Darrell Benefit (feat. Disturbed, Anthrax, Soil, Drowning Pool, and other guests) (2/23)
Taste of Chaos (feat. Used, My Chemical Romance, Killswitch Engage, Underoath, and more) (3/9)
Subliminal Verses Tour (feat. Slipknot, Lamb of God, and more) (3/11)
Q & A w/ Kevin Smith (i know this isn't a "concert" but it was cool as shit) (4/3)
Queens of the Stone Age (4/5)
...And you will know us by the trail of dead (4/22)
Papa Roach (5/1)
New Order (this was fuckin cool b/c they only did 4 or 5 US shows--and did like 3 Joy Division tunes) (5/3)
Nine Inch Nails (w/ Dresden Dolls--and i was impressed by their live performance---NIN fuckin rocked --once they got a new soundboard in--the digital console fried and they had to cut 3 songs from the set -boo--but the show killed and i loved em) (5/6)
Machine Head (w/ Devildriver) (holy shit what a fuckin great show!!) (5/14)
Rilo Kiley (one of those shows i HAD to go to for work...to quote vince, "i'm going to die where i sit") (5/16)
Dark new Day (first performance in chicago and they filmed a DVD here too--good ol' metro!) (5/20)
Local H (w/ The Giraffes---fuckin great show--the giraffes kick ass--and Local H played audience requests)(5/29)
Q101 Block Party (QOTSA, Interpol (eh.), Hot Hot Heat) (6/3)
Q101 Block Party (A Static Lullaby (eh), Unwritten Law (eh.), Rise Against (fuck me what an amazing show!!! watched from the side of the stage and when they played 'Give It All' it started POURING rain--they should'a played 'dancing for rain'), Sum 41 (eh...they almost didn't go on b/c of the lightning) (6/4)
Head Automatica (wow! great show--sold out @ bottom lounge---live show reminds me of Elvis Costello & the Attractions---Daryl Palumbo (Glassjaw-fame) rocked his ass off--almost collapsed (he's got chrons disease, so that's dangerous) but rocked the fuck out---if you get the opportunity to see them, i highly suggest it, as well.) (6/21)
Tyler Hilton (lots o'girls...this dude is pretty fun, he likes to party....that's bout it.) (6/22)
Local H (w/ Giraffes---kick ass show, again. Local H, once again played audience requests) (6/26--i think)
Billy Corgan (cool light show, thats ABOUT all i can say that's positive) (7/6)
Sounds of the Underground (feat. Lamb of God, Chimara, Gwar, Devildriver, Clutch, and more) (7/8)
Team Sleep (eh--live version of the album...w/ scenes in background of bad porn and shitty films such as "Clash of the Titans" and the opening band Idiot Pilot is pretty good.)(7/13)
Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers (w/ Black Crowes--who i missed due to shitty parking attendants--took 2hrs to get in the fucking parking lot--goddamn tweeter!) (tom petty kicked ass--more hits than i remembered--and they played a traveling wilburys song)(7/15)
Esthero (7/16)
Dark new Day (7/16)
Static-X (never seen them before and they're super fuckin cool--one of the first shows in wisconsin i've seen where the crowd responded appropriately)(7/19)
Corrosion of Conformity (w/ Fu Manchu)(holy shit what a great show--never seen COC before and they're fuckin amazing--last time i saw Fu was @ abbey pub, so this show was TOTALLY kickass!)(7/21)
Warped Tour (feat. Offspring, Transplants, Avenged Sevenfold, My Chemical Romance, and more) (i didn't get to see as much as i'd have liked to due to the fact i was working....MCR was great, but the sound was shit. Transplants were okay, way overhyped, but they did WHITE RIOT by the clash and i think i was the only person who knew what it was. Dropkick Murphys fuckin brought it as usual. Offspring was fun as they usually are...i missed Throwrag due to my curiosity of transplants--hindsight says i should've gone to throwrag instead. Atreyu kicked my ass. Lordz of Brooklyn were amusing at best. I'm pissd i missed Strung Out, they rock balls. but the highlight of the day was Avenged Sevenfold. holy rock n roll, i was BLOWN AWAY by their performance--even though it was only about 5 songs---wow! brought my lil cousin on the bus and got her a poster signed...had a shot w/ the boys n got some guitar pointers from SYNYSTER GATES....waxed intellectual (on the topics of vocal coaches, rock n roll, and fishing) w/ M.SHADOWS, and watched ZACKY VENGENCE walk back w/ a bottle of booze and 2 hot blondes to the "private area". good times)(7/23)
Hot Hot Heat (hot hot venue---wow it was fuckin sweaty ass hot in the metro that night, but the show was nothing short of incendiary)(7/25)
Static-X (w/ Bloodsimple and American Headcharge---fuckin a! chicago is the static-x city. bloodsimple rocked heavy as fuck and they're super cool dudes, as are static-x---best part of that day was before the show went record shopping w/ Static-X....wow!...american headcharge (eh) their first album was ok, but now i'm not too big on em.)(7/26)
that's it for now---this friday i'm goin to see THE LAST VEGAS and THE CHERRY VALANCE...Double Door..BE THERE!!!!!
What i'm listening to today:The Black Dahlia Murder---wow! great "WAKE MY ASS UP NOW" album.
Backyard Babies---fuck me --why've i just gotten this album, and why've i NEVER seen these fu ckin swedes?!!!
Alkaline Trio--upon the request of andie, i'm tryin to give them a try...not too terrible, i s'pose.
Bayside--thanx to UNCLE GORDON aka MR. GORDON for gettin me into these guys, theyre great!
here's a pic to show you how i'm doing......

i'll be back later...(and a shorter frequency than this blog since last)