Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Chloe don't know better....

...Chloe's just like me. (only beautiful) A couple of years difference, but those lessons never learned. (don't ya know?) Chole dances tables in the french quarter. She's always been given, so i can't always make her laugh. But i'm proud tosay, that i won't forget time spent lyin' by her side. The time spent lyin by her side. Dreams like this must die. And a dream like this must die. A dream like this must...
~Chloe Dancer (Mother Love Bone)
I just feel that those lyrics describe how i'm feeling lately......
And this is my kind of love. it's the kind that moves on. it's the kind that leaves me alone.
~Crown Of Thorns (Mother Love Bone)
that's in addition to the first group of lyrics....i must say Andrew Wood was a fantastic pianist and lyricist.

So i'm at work right now, and there's NOTHING to do. I'm just listening to music and typing and doing some odds n ends....Gordon left about 30minutes ago, it's nice working w/ him in the office for a change--we were talking about the Hoplessly Devoted To You compilation series and how after 88 Fingers Louie and Dillinger Four weren't on them anymore, the comps changed. Bands like Thrice and Avenged Sevenfold give the cd's a whole different perspective....
..I popped on Norma Jean Bless The Martyr and Kiss The Children and we were both rockin' out. NORMA JEAN is coming w/ ATREYU to the House of blues 3/13/05. That should kick ass!! i've never seen Atreyu and i'd really like to, as would i really enjoy seeing Norma Jean.
For more info on Atreyu's tour:

i said to gordon "It's funny. One day I'll come in with The Lawrence Arms, Dead Kennedys, Avail, or whatever, and the next day I'll come in with Lamb Of God, Helmet, Quicksand, and Norma Jean."

I guess it all depends on my moods. Sometimes I'll want something agressive and angry, or depressive and angry, or aggressive and angsty*, or aggressive and pessimistic, or aggressively passive....that's the great thing about music, there's so much out there to choose from, why not let your mood determine what you listen to and when, its nice and you may learn something about yourself.

*do not confuse anger and angst--they're 2 different feelings. anger is, well, anger. angst is like anger of youth, to quote Dillinger Four, or at least use a song title to describe angst, Maximum Piss & Vinegar. Anger is seething mad, and you want to (here comes the Fight Club quote) Destroy something beautiful. Angst, you're just wanting to brawl, run around, reak havoc, whatever. Y ou want to be generally destructive, where as anger you have a target. That concludes today's lesson in Avoiding Semantics 101.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Ingredients: Sugar, Artificial Flavor, Gum Arabic,...

...Gelatin, Glucose, Syrup, Natural Flavor.----WINTERFRESH ALTOIDS

ok so i was at the WINTERNATIONALS lastnight (BLUE MEANIES/MU330/METHADONES/NEW BLACK) and fuck me what a great show...glad i went...missed BLUE MEANIES @ double door the night prior w/ The Tossers and The Cougars (who i've heard AMAZING things about)--the Tossers i know kick ass....

...i saw the Blue Meanies @ the riverfront in Rockford back in 1998 or something, and local h opened up for them---i didn't think much of the Meanies, mostly-i think- b/c i didn't appreciate it as much as i do now....great show last nite---i didn't know any of the songs --except for Pave The World, Ace Of Spades (Motorhead cover), and You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch.

MU330 was kick ass--the singer/guitarist had a leg (or foot) injury and was in a chair w/ 'is leg up all show, but still managed to rock the fuck out....the last song he couldn't contain himself any longer and got up and rocked on one leg.

METHADONES kicked ass as always--playing tracks from their newest release, they sounded really good live--and of course old favourites from Career Objective such as Far Away, Ammunition, TV World, I'm About To Crack, and Say Goodbye To Your Generation...i strongly reccomend picking up BOTH of their albums under THICK RECORDS!!!!

New Black--well, it was interesting and i'm glad we got there while they were finishing up.....the sound was decent.

While at the show lastnight, i was thinking of different blogs i could do--but would be difficult--my friend MR. GORDON ( has put his 10 favourite albums of 2004, i was thinking of doing that, or my top 10 shows of the year, or just listing all the show's ive been to this year (but THAT may be rough) i may do all of the above.....

but first....

Isn't it amazing how you can feel/think/believe you're completely over someone, and you start breakin' out albums/ or tracks that you couldn't listen to at first b/c it reminded you of them, or some shit like that? well, i was in that place--i'm gettin over her and things are goin great. I'm happy, i'm meeting new people, i'm concentrating on work and furthuring myself in my career and all that hoopla....and i'm bustin' out shit i haven' t listened to like: All Across The Universe (Beatles), Something I Can Never Have (Nine Inch Nails), With Or Without You/All I Want Is You/Bad (U2), and other (cliche) favourites....well i'm doing FANTASTIC w/ all that. [as you can see from my cd collection--if you've seen it--or just my blogging, ive quite the ecclectic taste in music] ---on with the story---so i was lookin for something to pop in the ol' cd player to lie down to and go sleepy, and i figured, "hey, here's something" grabbing What If It All Means Something by Chantal Kreviazuk (wife of Our Lady Peace's lead-vocalist Raine Maida) and the entire album is a go, from start to finish...or so i thought. When i got to the last track (bonus track) Feels Like Home, i got chills, and i couldn't take it...images of her started popping in my head and i was remembering shit, but not the shit i'd LIKE to remember, to help me not want to be with her--no the GOOD things---that sucked. i had to shut the song off--i couldn't take it. And that sucks b/c i thought i was all good--something about this song i love the hell outta' it, great lyrics and beautiful music....check it out--Chantal has an amazing voice (and she's from Canadia!). i'm gonna have to blog again soon b/c this is getting out of hand...I don't even want to tackle this blog in one sitting.

merry fucksmas,

listen to it fridays 12-4am---they own!
aim: allagesradio

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

"i won't let this build up inside of me..."

ok so just a thought---

Vermillion, pt. 2 from slipknot's latest album is fucking brilliant, depressing, and emotionally fulfilling when you feel apathetically like shit.

any U2 song works too.....One Step Closer from How to Dismantle An Atom Bomb is really helpful to drag the razor across (just kidding). Or Running To Stand Still from the coveted Joshua Tree album "you've gotta cry without weeping, talk without speaking, scream without raising your voice...."

Crazy by Afghan Whigs from the album 1965 is amazing....."Crazy, that's what you'd like to believe, but it ain't easy. when you're going crazy over the rainbow."

23 by Jimmy Eat World is probably one of the most amazing songs to come off of their latest release, Futures. " one else would know these lonely dreams. no one else would know that other part of me. i'm still driving away, and i'm sorry everyday. i won't always love these selfish tihngs, i won't always live not was now my turn to decide, i knew this was our time. no one else would have me like you do, no one else would have me, only you. you'll sit alone forever if you wait for the right time, what are you hoping for? I'm here I'm now, I'm ready, holding on tight, don't give away the end, one thing that stays mine... i won't always love what i'll never have, i won't always live in my'll sit alone forever, if you wait for the right time, what are you hoping for? I'm here, I'm now, I"m ready, holding on tight, don't give away the end, one thing that stays mine."

Miss Blue by Filter is a great song--found on the Title Of Record album the lyrics say it all.... "Could you stay long enough for me to say goodbye? you can be free as long as you're with me...when do you think i'll be okay?...if i should stay when do i pray? if i should stay where do i begin? do you think i should watch you die? should we close our eyes and say goodbye? when do you think i'll be okay?...hey you miss blue, you think that i'm well to do. hey you miss blue, i fell in love with you. hey you miss blue, i think about you as true. hey you miss blue, i hate it when you cry. hey you miss blue, i hate it when you say goodbye. when do you think i'll be okay?"

thats it.....and girls are fucked in the head. (that's my re-realized epiphony for the night)

Saturday, December 18, 2004

you are throwing caution to what you are pissing in....

....pissing in the wind, that's the shape i'm in."~ Strict-9 by LOCAL H

so i've not slept very well all week.......was talkin to my mum and she coyly said "sounds like someone needs to get laid." to which i responded "this conversation is over. goodbye."

i thought it was rather fitting that i decided to restring a guitar while watching the first 2hrs of The History Of Rock & Roll on dvd.....and i was inspired--i picked up a Fats Domino cd..i likey.
i found a Chuck Berry 2-cd set i will get eventually (Chess Records collection)......i picked up The Greater Of Two Evils by Anthrax....its some older, Joey Belladonna-era, songs sung by John Bush---they sound meaner, and less , dare is say, 80's metal? I like it. Rob Caggiano and Scott Ian do an amazing job--the mix kicks ass, too! In the liner notes, i denotes which guitarist is on which channel....[Scott: right/Rob: left] so you can tell WHO is soloing when. VERY SICK and THICK sounding, i likey.

Was at Chevelle show lastnight @ H.O.B.--good as they usually are--they did a new cover Quiet by the Smashing Pumpkins and Tom Capone (ex-Quicksand guitarist, now Instruction guitarist) came out and played guitar. it was kicknuts heavy.

INSTRUCTION owned!!! i was glad i finally got to see them. I missed their set pre-Helmet on Nov.6th @ empty bottle, but as per arthur's (lead singer/guitarist) reccomendation, i bought the album--produced by Bob Ezrin (Jane's Addiction Strays--and next Deftones album). I was not let down, the album kicks ass, and since now i know the songs, i enjoyed their set THAT much more. I went and thanked Arthur @ merch table after their set for making me buy the album...he thanked me for having faith in the band to buy it upon reccomendation and not have even seen their set. He gave me another Instruction pin, b/c mine fell off my jacket---so i was bummed.

ok, off to work.


ps--not a huge xmas song fan, but i acquired A Santa Cause: It's A Punk Rock Christmas and i'm amused by it. its not terrible, its fun to have, and i highly reccomend playing it louldly and while wrapping your holiday gifts...its fun.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Holy Rockabilly!

t'was the weekend o'drinkin' for me....but that's not the point.

saw the REV @ double door lastnite (Sunday)---the REVEREND HORTON HEAT/SPLIT LIP RAYFIELD/ HI-FI & THE ROADBURNERS............

holy shit!!! great show---never saw the rev, and have wanted to for about 4 years---was s'posed to see em @ metro about 3 years ago w/ nashville pussy--but had to (surprise, surprise) WORK.

fell in love w/ the Rev lastnite and really dug HI-FI---rockabilly/punkabilly/psychobilly--t'watever its called...fuckin amazing!! makes me want to rock on the axe, drink some beer, and ride on a motorcycle....(not all simultaneously)

Split Lip made me want to watch "O'Brother Where Art Thou?"---its bluegrass-y---a one-string aluminum gastank upright bass--thingamajobber, acoustic guitar, and banjo--and wonderfully harmonized vocals......HI-FI was straight up ROCK N ROLL (think 1950's buddy holly shit)

the REV kicked my balls in!!! Jimbo is indendiary on the hollowbody, i'm thinkin bout takin guitar lessons again and learning some more

i put the REV on my ipod and the HI-FI cd i bought, as well..........threw that shit on random w/ an added bonus THE BLOODY HOLLIES (punch you in the face/kick you in the nuts ROCK n ROLL--check em out)--what a great train ride to work--i didn't even read, i just listened to the music and absorbed it---that shit kept me warm.

keep rockin--keep warm (its ass nibbling cold out)
love always,

ps sorry this was so all over the place--i'vebeen working and running around every other sentence or so....

Friday, December 10, 2004

Week In Rock

kinda sucky kinda good. (not neccesarily in THAT order)

Motley Crue announced their reunion tour (all original members). I just saw a commercial on tv for it, made me laugh.

The band you thought you'd NEVER see together again LIVE!!!! March 10th @ Allstate Arena Motley Crue on their RED WHITE & CRUE Tour 2005.

holy shit that's amusing--then my buddy Gor-Mays sent me a nifty link.

check that shit out.....

also in rock:

R.I.P. "Dimebag" Darrell L. Abbott 1966-2004

that sucked--what a shitty thing to wake up to....

so i found yet ANOTHER favourite AC/DC song: "LET THERE BE ROCK" from said album....great lyrics, great guitars (duh)

I picked up SHADOWS FALL at Target on sunday---shit its better than i thoght it was--i like it

that's bout it for now---here's some friends bloggers you should read. i guess if i were cool like p.diddy (scoff) i'd say something to the notion of "READ OR DIE"



Saturday, November 27, 2004

I met an old cowboy, i saw the look in his eyes....

....something tells me he's been here before. Because experience makes you wise. -"Dead Horse" by GNR
so it's raining outside, and it's november, so i opted to put in "Use Your Illusion I". What a great fucking album, straight thru, and i forgot how much i LOVE Bad Obsession w/ the slide guitar and Double-Talkin' Jive especially w/ the beginning lyrics "found a head and an arm in the garbage can and i don't know why i'm here."---(see: dead baby jokes)

so i was thinkin yesterday about my holiday gift to my friends--every year, for the past 4 or 5 years, i've been making a "best of the year" compilation, what i thought were the best tracks to come out during the year---and that's not to say they were singles, just the best songs....and it was all mixed up. electronic, metal, hip-hop, rock, punk, etc...somethin for everyone. seeing as i don't have access to as much (free) music as i did in past years, i was considering NOT doing the cd this year. THEN i thought of how cool those "Rock Against Bush" cd's are and now that bush (unfortunately not to mention probably in a slanted way) won another 4 years in oriface, i can make my version of a (n) (anti-) patriotic compilation....

here's my start:
"I'm So Bored With the U.S.A." (The Clash)
"Welcome to Paradise" (Green Day)
"Garden Of Eden" or "One In A Million" (GNR)
" N.W.O." (Ministry)

thats it so far....and i thought of a really cool fucking halloween costume for myself..... Clarence Whirley (Christian Slater's character in True Romance).

yeah motherfucker!

what this blogger needs.... more fucking COWBELL!!!

ok, thought this would be fun.

TOP 5 Songs to CRANK when driving into a new town/city(either alone or w/ commrades)

1) Live Wire (Motley Crue) --Too Fast For Love would be suitable, as well.
2) New Sound (Refused)--technically any REFUSED song would work, as long as it's CRANKED
3) Clash City Rockers OR White Riot (The Clash) ---it's really a fucking toss-up, and a tough one at that.
4) i'm avoiding cliche (Welcome to the Jungle) and would be more apt to go w/ Garden of Eden (Guns N Roses)
5) Four Horsemen (Metallica) --what a great fucking song from Kill 'Em All.......its so.......METALLY (*note: 'metally' is not a word, nor does it sound very 'metal-esque', so excuse me while i kick my own ass for pansying the heavy metalness of metal)

**some honorable mentions:
"...millionaire" (QOTSA)
"whole lotta rosie" (AC/DC)
"new way to dance" or "hey hey hey hey" (The Kinison)
"children of the grave" (black sabbath--but the White Zombie version sounds a bit better)
"immigrant song" (led zeppelin)--just cuz it sounds fucking cool!
and for shits n giggles.....

my 7 song-playlist (in shuffle) for going to sleep:
The Leaving Song (AFI)
Accident Prone (Jawbreaker)
Lover, You Should've Come Over (Jeff Buckley)
Forget Her (Jeff Buckley)
23 (Jimmy Eat World)
For Me This Is Heaven (Jimmy Eat World)
Martin Eden (The Twilight Singers)

ps: i've really been digging Dillinger Four, Rise Against, and The Lawrence Arms lately, but only have a few songs from each available.......just thought you'd like to read that....

~snoogans (w.t.f.?)

Friday, November 26, 2004

For those about to rock...

...we salute you!

Ok: so i drove home from NEBRASKA, today...not too bad of a drive--i was once again armed w/ a healthy dose of ROCK N ROLL and REDBULL!!!

TOP 5 (+3) ALBUMS to DRIVE HOME TO (today).

1) G'N'R (Appetite For Destruction)
- need i give an explaination? only one of the FINEST albums recorded in rock n' roll history!

*note: number 2 is more a conglomerate of albums--i love my ipod.

2)AC/DC (High Voltage, Dirty Deeds, Let There Be Rock, Highway To Hell, and Back In Black on random) - one of the GREATEST bands in rock n roll and i couldn't choose ONE fucking album to listen to straight through....nothing better than going from tracks like "live wire" (high voltage) to "problem child" (let there be rock) to "have a drink on me" (back in black) all in the span of 11 minutes (or so)...that's at least 5+ years....i thoroughly enjoy the sound of angus young's squeeling guitar over the thick rhythms laid by brother malcom young....and i think i MUCH prefer Bon Scott to Brian Johnson....

3) Rancid (Let's Go)
- one of the finest of Rancid albums, i had purchased it upon reccomendation back in my high school days---enjoyed it so much i bought the t-shirt to match...found to my dismay, that it had been stolen from me (the cd) some time later....i was wearing my rancid t-shirt the other day (as i wear it quite often), and listening to "indestructible" (the new album, very good, as well) and i realized, hey, i haven't listened to 'let's go' in a VERY long time! so i looked it up and remembered, it had been stolen---so i repurchased it, and loaded it right in my ipod, should i just be destined NOT to own that album....thus we come to this morning--i listened to it and remembered choice tracks like "dope sick girl" and "Salvation" not to mention good sing alongs like "I am the one" and "Gunshot"....ahh, the sultry sounds of Lars Friedricksen and Tim(my) armstrong.

4) Jawbreaker (Dear You)
-okay, so i don't really know what to say about this album--it's all over the place, and i REALLY love the song "accident prone"--i think it was played at punk night one night and dedicated to Frannie--but i could be wrong....its a really good track. I found an appreciation for Jawbreaker about a year ago when introduced to them by my acquaintence Mr. S...he copied 24-hour revenge therapy for me---and i was blown away...i found this album one day and opted to buy it b/c i opted that i REALLY liked this band---and i love when i'm right. i really like this band.

5) The Clash (The Clash [US])
- tracks like "janie jones", "(white man in) Hammersmith", and a stunning rendition of "i fought the law", how could one NOT appreciate this fine album--especially the US version of it?

6) The Clash (London Calling)
-sticking w/ the theme, i thought it would be fun to listen to this album after the S/T. there's a noticable difference in songcrafting and sound quality, but both albums are amazing. i've found yet, ANOTHER favourite track from this album, aside from "rudie can't fail"--"brand new cadillac"...ahh..punk.

7) The Kinison (Mortgage Is Bank e.p.)
-so i found this cd in the 'old stack' in our prize closet at work, so i "helped myself" to it...i figured, hey "fearless records is a decent label, and who wouldn't try something new if it was free and released on a decent label--not to mention there's only 5 fucking songs on it!" i liked it immediately....tracks like "hey hey hey hey" and "new way to dance" are immediate singalongs....i haven't listened to the full-length i picked up the other day, all the way through yet, but i aurally glanced at it, and it's not too shabby....but this EP ROCKS ASS!!!!

and finally, my #8 cd to drive home to:

8) Ministry (houses of the mole)
- inspired by monday night's STUNNING performance @ house of blues, i opted to give this album a listen again...nothing cooler than ANTI-G.W. propaganda in musical..ahem..INDUSTRIAL form...all w/ song titles beginning with/containing the letter 'W' in it....." no w", "waiting", "wrong", "warp city" "walrus"....and a track that may have been wrongly titled in CDDB as "psalm 32"---"psalm 23" is a more suitable title (for the letter "W" is the 23rd letter in the alphabet)...see i'm smart...or something to that effect.

8 fucking hours in a toyota matrix--you bet your ass i'm listening to some tunes!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Capitalsim is indeed organized crime...and we're the victims...


1) REFUSED "Shape of Punk to Come"
-this is good especially if you start your endeavor in the AM hours. I learned the neccesity of playing this album at loud volumes in the morning from listening to an acquaintence's college radio show "WAKE UP SCREAMING"--which i learned later on was the title of a SUBHUMANZ track.

2) QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE "Songs For the Deaf"
- this album was recorded with the concept of turning the "dial" trying to find a decent station on the way to JOSHUA TREE STUDIO (as read in interview w/ JOSH HOMME and NICK OLIVERI--but i don't remember what magazine and when)

3) SOCIAL DISTORTION "Sex, Love, & Rock N' Roll"
- i can't explain how profound an appreciation i have for this album. it came at a pinacle point in my life, and it SPEAKS TO ME on a level I've never been. The constant themes of innocence lost and momentary living [as if today was your last day] weave in and out of simplisticly-complex chord progressions. It speaks truth and makes you think of where you're going, what you're doing, and where you've been...yet constantly reminds you to forget yesterday, think about tomorrow, but LIVE FOR TODAY.

4) NEIL YOUNG "Greatest Hits"
- this is just a great collection of songs that have been remastered from original tapes. some of the underlying tones range from country, to southern rock, to folk, to brit-rock--(see: CINNAMON GIRL--sounds like CREAM!) All-in-all a good blend of styles from one of the greatest songwriters in American Rock History. #5 is a tough one--a toss up maybe...but only ONE can be chosen.

5) THE TWILIGHT SINGERS "Blackberry Belle"
- when the sun is going down, this album is perfect. the textures of organ, guitar, drums, gospel singing backgrounds, and deep, dark vocals painting a picture of lament...not to mention, one of the COOLEST voices in music today: MARK LANEGAN (as a guest vocalist). Fronted by Greg Dulli [Afghan Whigs] this album is as uplifting as it is mournful from the starting bars interpreted by a piano and Dulli's singing all the way to the ending track with vocal-dualing of LANEGAN and DULLI and shaded with slide guitar....

those are my (for today) TOP 5 ROADTRIP CD'S--for on the way to Nebraska....i'm falling asleep now.

Monday, November 22, 2004

I have big green bloggers..... my big jewish knows.

so i dunno what the 'f' i'm supposed to do w/ this. Mr. Gordon reccomended me to this........perhaps i'll use it as a MUSIC REVIEW type thing.

what you think?

maybe i'll take polls...(Poles)? or just your i'm telling jordan-jokes. uh huh......ok i'm done. back to my chips n salsa & Chocolate milk.