Saturday, December 18, 2004

you are throwing caution to what you are pissing in....

....pissing in the wind, that's the shape i'm in."~ Strict-9 by LOCAL H

so i've not slept very well all week.......was talkin to my mum and she coyly said "sounds like someone needs to get laid." to which i responded "this conversation is over. goodbye."

i thought it was rather fitting that i decided to restring a guitar while watching the first 2hrs of The History Of Rock & Roll on dvd.....and i was inspired--i picked up a Fats Domino cd..i likey.
i found a Chuck Berry 2-cd set i will get eventually (Chess Records collection)......i picked up The Greater Of Two Evils by Anthrax....its some older, Joey Belladonna-era, songs sung by John Bush---they sound meaner, and less , dare is say, 80's metal? I like it. Rob Caggiano and Scott Ian do an amazing job--the mix kicks ass, too! In the liner notes, i denotes which guitarist is on which channel....[Scott: right/Rob: left] so you can tell WHO is soloing when. VERY SICK and THICK sounding, i likey.

Was at Chevelle show lastnight @ H.O.B.--good as they usually are--they did a new cover Quiet by the Smashing Pumpkins and Tom Capone (ex-Quicksand guitarist, now Instruction guitarist) came out and played guitar. it was kicknuts heavy.

INSTRUCTION owned!!! i was glad i finally got to see them. I missed their set pre-Helmet on Nov.6th @ empty bottle, but as per arthur's (lead singer/guitarist) reccomendation, i bought the album--produced by Bob Ezrin (Jane's Addiction Strays--and next Deftones album). I was not let down, the album kicks ass, and since now i know the songs, i enjoyed their set THAT much more. I went and thanked Arthur @ merch table after their set for making me buy the album...he thanked me for having faith in the band to buy it upon reccomendation and not have even seen their set. He gave me another Instruction pin, b/c mine fell off my jacket---so i was bummed.

ok, off to work.


ps--not a huge xmas song fan, but i acquired A Santa Cause: It's A Punk Rock Christmas and i'm amused by it. its not terrible, its fun to have, and i highly reccomend playing it louldly and while wrapping your holiday gifts...its fun.

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