Sunday, January 23, 2005

"do you like, do you like, do you like.....

do you like my body tricks?-The Lawrence Arms from "Porno And Snuff Films"

-so a lil excitement lately....sorta. Got, yet ANOTHER contact for my list o' contacts at record labels.....was called from a guy @ Geffen regarding something work related, he was misinformed as to my position, but i was nonetheless, flattered. So I'm dealing w/ him a little bit, which is good.
-I interviewed for a promotion to a full-time/salary position at work, hopefully something comes of it..i've also got some other irons on the fire......if you know me, you know that to be a pretty constant thing.
-I made some badass chili yesterday while stuck at home in the fucking blzzard of 1997, er what year is it?.........and then i got picked up and went to a nice lil pub n got blitzed on half-a-dozen pints.........mmmmmmmmm.......

(for the record , i don't know why i'm blogging, this should all be related to music.....)


Picked up Panopticon by ISIS, and holy fuck is it amazing. It was put out under IPECAC, Mike Patton's (Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Fantomas, etc...) label. It's thick, creamy, and full of Instru-Metal goodness.......some vocal wailing at times....but this reminded me of some other bands...PELICAN, which all i own is the 4-song ep, and its kick nuts heavy.....they've a newer one under HydraHead, which is a label responsible for other Hardcore/Instru-Metal greats as i popped those out too, for good measure...amazing, just amazing. If you've the means i HIGHLY suggest you pick up an album by BOTCH, probably their last one An Anthology Of Dead Ends


i have been REALLY getting into the LAWRENCE ARMS as of late.........all i have is their latest, i'm awaiting the first couple.....i do like the song which i quoted for the subject--Porno And Snuff Films. its excellent and F-U-N to sing along to......
i was given a copy of THE FALCON cd which is Lawrence Arms, Rise Against, and Alkaline takes a couple of initial listens, but SHIT its GREAT!!! GOod ol' chicago grit....Arms vocalist...i really enjoy his voice----something about that Chicago Rock Gravelly Vocal.........(see: Land Of The El Caminos)
i was also privy to a copy of Reinventing Axl Rose by AGAINST ME!
goddamn, i really like it........i've heard em, and everyone is raving about em........figured it give it a whirl and its just fun and angry and everything rolled up into a little punk-burrito......makes you feel alive.......or at least makes ME feel alive.

side note: i also wrote 2 songs on the guitar........yay me. (er well 1-1/2 songs, i'm still workin out the kinks (no pun intended) from the 2nd song.)

Shout-outs for the week:
MR. GORDON---thanks for the music and a great fuckin radioshow on friday (
and JACKSON---for support and pushing my buttons---and beating my ass in bowling---and all that other friend stuff.....
ANDIE---dunno if you read this ,but thanks for puttin up w/ my sick ass at punk night last week--i owe you some jamesons and beers--you're a doll.
uh........i think thats all i can think of fer now.

oh yeah, PAT--hang in there, snow will stop soon......weds is coming and we'll get messed up on $1 miller pints.


Sunday, January 09, 2005

Uh huh. Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 08, 2005

i might be wrong.

i've found the world's most upliftingly DEPRESSING song....

God Only Knows by the (fucking) BEACH BOYS......"the world can show nothing to me, so what good would living do me?" FUCKING PET SOUNDS!!

ok next really depressing "oldie"
For No One by the (fucking) BEATLES..........what the kicker is, is the fucking french horn.....i think in my brain when i hear the transition, i brace brain goes "cue french horns. cue tear ducts. WE HAVE FRENCH HORNS!! WE HAVE FRENCH HORNS!!! CRY BASTARD CRY!!!" i weep like a fucking baby.........

and thinking about that--------the ending instrumentation to Layla by Derek and the Dominos is a tear jerker --- i think it shows the true feeling of the song--yeah the main riff is rockin, but the song is depressing, and heartfelt--it's Eric Clapton professing his love or whatnot to George Harrison's WIFE....shit, to want what you cannot have--total rock n roll paradigm...and i think just that instrumental at the end says it all, its gorgeously painful.

and imagining all these makes me think of the scene in The Royal Tennenbaums that Elliot Smith's Needle In The Hay comes on..........oooh, shivers.

ok, now i'm going to beat myself into unconsciousness now---i can't sleep anymore........

and i posed an interesting thought to Uncle Gordon, (who is back from ALLAGESRADIO--great show t'nite, btw)---it scares me that my biggest accomplishment for the year so far, is not having a drop of alcohol since saturday last. what's even scarier is that it's a struggle......

In closing, i pose this question to anyone willing to answer it coherently.
What is worse:
wanting what you cannot have, or having what you do not want?
ok unconscious, here i come.

Friday, January 07, 2005

I am still bleeding you....

...from wounds you've never known. Ghosts Of Past Failures by Shadows Fall

ok, so instead of posting AFTER listening to something, I think i'll try something new. I don't know what sort of 'mood' i'm in seeing as i'll be in a loaner-car for 1-2 weeks (a nice grandpa car--2005 toyota camry, and if that's not enough, it's that 'grandpa' gold colour....i think it's like CHAMPAGNE or some crap like that) and not my car (i had a name for it for about a week when i got it and realised it was stupid and i'm a HUGE dork, but can't bring myself to refer to my car by a name other than 'my car'. i hate relying on such, dare i say, technology (it really is technology, we're stuffing the power of many horses into a metal block, thus bringing us from point a to point b in a matter of minutes, seconds, blah blah blah) ....i'm anyway, my car [glenn--named after glen danzig] is sick. something about a bad component in the cam or some crap....all i know is its waranty work, so ha!....moving on w/ my blog--my car is sick and there is no nifty sound system in the grandpa cruiser, so i must choose wisely.....
...yesterday was Psychadelic Furs, which i must say, they kick massive ass.....tracks like Into You Like A Train which i find (for obvious reasons) to be a superior version in comparison to--without taking kudos from--Jawbreaker's version on Dear You.

today i think i may bring in some Radiohead....perhaps How Am I Driving EP, Kid A, Amnesiac, and perhaps Hail To The Theif...basically post-OK Computer (w/ the exception of the EP)....

i'll let you know how it goes.........
...lastnight i went to sleep w/ MORENO in the cd player---goddamn what a fantastic band (RIP). amazing chicago band--only saw em 4 or 5 times,but loved every show---especially the xmas show where they came out and went right into a stunning rendition of Little Drummer Boy, featuring 5 drummers (all of which were in chicago bands, i can't recall all of em, but i know Scott (drummer from moreno), the drummer from evil beaver, and 3 others--all drumming on snares like a bunch of post-drumcorps was neat) and a HUGE guitar sound from Sean's stereo-chorus/bi-amplified unit....bogner and matchless amps.......mmmmmmm yummy creamy thick spacey sound.....ok. (small bit of info, Sean, the singer/guitarist of now defunct MORENO, works at MAKE N' MUSIC, an amazing guitar store in the city....w/ clientelle including but not limited to Trent Reznor (and touring NIN), David Bowie--i think--, and more....and me, i shop there when i've money....

k thats it.
i'm out.

I want to show you sometihng... joy inside my heart. Seems I been living in the temple of the dog/where would I live if I were a man of golden words/or would I live at all/words and music--my only tools/communitcation/so on her arrival I will set free the birds... Man Of Golden Words by Mother Love Bone
************************************************** i'm made a playlist while i rip my SIGUR ROS into my hard drive.....

Mother Love Bone:
Man of Golden Words
Gentle Groove
Original Of the Species
One Step Closer
City Of Blinding Lights
Miracle Drug
Guns N Roses:
A Perfect Circle:
The Noose
3 Libras
The Nurse Who Loved Me
Sum 41:
Slipping Away
Don't Look Back In Anger
Stop Crying Your Eyes Out
Champagne Supernova
Miss Blue
The Leaving Song
Pennyroyal Tea
So i'm super excited for sunday: DISENGAGE is coming to the bottom lounge...I first saw them @ SXSW about 4 years ago--and i LOVED em!!!! Saw Disengage again @ double door about 2 years ago, when i was FINALLY old enough to get in to see em--bought their album and Jason, the singer after talking to him for a bit and offering to buy him a beer, gave me a disengage fucking cool of i've been waiting for them to come back, and i emailed em about 4 months ago, and asked when they were comin back....'sit tight, we're workin on a tour' was basically the response---and alas, they're comin!!!!
i highly suggest seeing them.....
i do believe next thursday @ bottom lounge, PELICAN is playing, and i think i'd like to go.
that's all for now.....
piss off.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

"ziggy played guitar.....

....jammin' good with weird and gilly, and the spiders from mars." Ziggy Stardust by David Bowie

ok, so I've learned, as I do MANY times over--not to say that I forget--how important it is to a movie to have a KICK ASS soundtrack. Prime examples of directors/writers that RELENTLESSLY have amazing soundtracks to go w/ their STELLAR motion pictures: CAMERON CROWE and WES ANDERSON.



I was reminded by this necessity after seeing Wes Anderson's latest opus, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou.
DAVID BOWIE through the entire movie, the only catch: it was sung in Portuguese. Iggy and the Stooges "Search And Destroy" added a rather anarchic element to an already anarchic scene. And at the most beautiful moment in the whole movie, the pinnacle moment, where silence would suffice: "Staralfur " by Sigur Ros.

Inspired, I decided to put in The Royal Tennenbaums...Packed full of musical goodness, "Judy Is Punk" by the Ramones, "Hey Jude" by The Beatles (Paul McCartney), "Needle In The Hay" by Elliott Smith, "Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard" by Paul Simon....Amazing.

and every Wes Anderson film's score was done by DEVO's own Mark

now I feel like watching something else...........w/ good music....possibly High Fidelity

damn what a great book......Nick Hornby is a fantastic writer, and has excellent music taste....I always (well, actually just recently) thought that it'd be great for Nick Hornby to write a book and Cameron Crowe direct'd be the ultimate!!!!!